What is PayDashboard?
What is PayDashboard?
PayDashboard is a simple and low-cost web portal and mobile app that brings pay, reward and financial wellbeing together in one place.
PayDashboard turns payday into an engaging and interactive experience, helping employees to understand the true value of their pay and reward package, and to identify any benefits and allowances they may be entitled to.
The portal integrates with your chosen payroll and reward software, and getting started is quick and easy. Simply upload your payroll file to deliver pay-related documents, letters, employer benefits, total reward statements and simple calculators and guidance articles, alongside interactive and engaging payslips.

PayDashboard suits a wide range of audiences and business needs

How we integrate
Adopting new software can be a long, arduous process - particularly for a business-critical area like HR and Payroll. Integrating with PayDashboard is quick and easy. Even a large business can be up and running within a few short weeks.
We have out-of-the-box integrations available for some of the most popular payroll software platforms. For others, we have a range of integration methods and can support you with simple solutions so you can get going as quickly as possible.
And if you need support with your roll-out communications, our marketing experts are on hand to provide tailored advice and collateral to make your launch a success.