Pay Dashboard - A part of Experian Pay Dashboard

Updated 06 Nov

Sage50 Payroll is arguably one of the most widely-used software for accounting firms and payroll bureaux. From pension calculations, to salary journals, to RTI functionality, it's easy to see why Sage is a great software choice for any business offering an outsourced payroll solution.

But when it comes to online payslips - many firms are choosing to pair Sage 50 with PayDashboard to deliver the best results to their employees or clients. 

So why are these business publishing their payslips via PayDashboard instead of Sage's Online Payslips portal?

1. An improved interface for clients

Your clients have direct interaction with your payroll service when it comes to your online payslip portal, so a great user experience and ease of use of the system are essential in order to leave a good impression. PayDashboard has been designed with the employee user experience in mind. 71% of employers whose payroll bureau used PayDashboard for their payslips said that the best feature of PayDashboard was ease of use for them and their staff.

2. Transfer documents

PayDashboard also allows you to transfer payroll documents and reports to your clients securely using an inbuilt document storage facility. If you are a payroll bureau you can even make that feature two-way, so your clients can send you documents via PayDashboard as well. PayDashboard also enables you to send documents to employees, so things like auto-enrolment letters can also be sent and stored using PayDashboard. It's a great way of addressing GDPR compliance across your entire payroll service, not just for payslip delivery.

New to GDPR and payroll? Read more in our blog post here

3. Distributing PAYE forms online

Producing and sending PAYE forms can be incredibly time consuming for your team, and these are inevitably the documents that employees require repeat copies of. Sage only supports P60 forms, but with PayDashboard you can upload P60, P45 and PP1d forms in a PDF file and PayDashboard will match the form to the right employee automatically.

4. Scheduling payroll tasks in advance

Payroll agents can upload payslips, PAYE forms and documents to PayDashboard in advance of the publishing date, and schedule when they should be published to employees. On the specified date employees will get an automated email notification that a new payslip or form is ready for them. As an added bonus, your client contact will be able to see the payslips before the publication date and change the publication date if they wish.

5. We all make mistakes

Sometimes an issue with the payroll run means that you have to re-publish payslips with a correction. We all make mistakes (even Mary Poppins was only practically perfect), so there is no charge for republishing payslips to PayDashboard - we'll just replace the old payslip with the new one and it won't count against your monthly payslip allowance.

Interested in a demo or want to find out more? Contact us to find out how PayDashboard will benefit your business

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